

Articles in scientific journals

1. Alimova T.M., Shabayeva S.V., Stepus I.S. Education system possibilities and limitations for the graduate's employability improvement in the Arctic zone // ICERI2016: 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (14th-16th of November 2016). - Seville, Spain, 2016. - P. 4203-4209 (WoS).

2. Gurtov V., Kekkonen A., Sigova S. Crucial occupational skills forecasting: the experience of Russia and European countries // Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives – 2012. - Volume 10 – Part 1. – pp.16-23.

3. Gurtov V., Pitukhin E., Serova L., Simakova A. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the forecasting of training needs by subjects of the Russian federation // Proceedings of ICERI2017 Conference 16th-18th November 2017, Seville, Spain. – 2017. – Р. 3378-3387 (WoS).

4. Gurtov V., Pitukhina M., Sigova S. Hi-tech skills anticipation for sustainable development in Russia // International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning. – 2015. - № 3(2). – С. 3–17. (WoS)

5. Gurtov V.A. Forecasting of labour market demand dynamics on different stages of crisis in Russian economics / V.A Gurtov, E.A. Pitukhin, L.M. Serova, S.V. Sigova// Studies on Russian Economic Development. – 2010. – Vol. 21. - №. 2, p. 169–179.

6. Gurtov V.A. Forecasting Recruitment Needs of the Russian Economy: Qualitative Aspects / V.A Gurtov, N. Yu. Garifullina, S.V. Sigova// Studies on Russian Economic Development. – 2016. – Vol. 27. – №. 1, – p. 68–75 (Scopus, WoS).

7. Gurtov V.A. Modeling the Economy’s Need for Professionally Trained Personnel / V.A. Gurtov, E.A. Pitukhin, L.M. Serova // Studies on Russian Economic Development. - 2007. - Vol. 18. - No. 6. - Р. 622–633.

8. Gurtov V.A., Averyanov A.O., Korzun D.Zh., Smirnov N.V. A system for classification of technologies in the field of artificial intelligence for personnel forecasting // Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2022 15(3), 113–133. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2022.3.81.6

9. Gurtov, V. A., & Pitukhin, E. A. (2020. The impact of pension reform on the forecasted employed population in the regions of the arctic and the far east / V. A. Gurtov, E. A. Pitukhin, Studies on Russian Economic Development. – 2020 31(4). – PP 411-420. doi:10.1134/S1075700720040073. – URL:

10. M. P??varov? , A. P??vara, M. Pitukhina. Remittances and their Role in Development // Advanced Science Letters 24, 2018. – pp.6326–6328 . - (SCOPUS)

11. Maria A. Pitukhina, Oleg V. Tolstoguzov and Irina Chernyuk (2019). Russianspeaking diaspora in Finland as a public diplomacy tool // Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 2019. Vol.12, No 2, p. 6-16. (SCOPUS)

12. O. Tolstoguzov, M. Pitukhina, I. Radikov, A. Privara. Empirical research on knowledge reproduction and qualified personnel: geoeconomic aspect // Proceedings of EDULEARN18 Conference 2nd-4th July 2018, Palma, Mallorca, Spain. рр.2270-2279. (WoS)

13. Pennie I., Ignatovich E., Sigova S., Kekkonen A. Methodological framework development for adaptable career guidance process in VET systems // EDULEARN14 Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (7-9 July, 2014). - Barcelona, Spain, 2014. – P. 3468-3472. (WoS)

14. Pitukhin E., Dyatlova A., Tulaeva A., Varfolomeyev A. Information technology employers analysis: the case study of the north-west of Russia // Proceedings of ICERI2017 Conference 16th-18th November 2017, Seville, Spain. – 2017. – Р. 2643-2652 (WoS).

15. Pitukhin E., Kekkonen A. Transparent information environment: an instrument to increase classical university effectiveness / ICERI2014 Proceedings: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (17-19 November, 2014). - Seville, Spain, 2014. - P. 5213 - 5220. (WoS)

16. Pitukhin E., Sigova S., Kekkonen A., Pennie I. Game-based learning for soft and hard skills development in LLL implementation // EDULEARN14 Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (7-9 July, 2014). - Barcelona, Spain, 2014. – P. 3389-3393. (WoS)

17. Pitukhin E., Zyateva O., Peshkova I., Moroz D. Expert-analytical system assessing institutional effectiveness aimed at strategic management upgrade / ICERI2014 Proceedings: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (17-19 November, 2014). - Seville, Spain, 2014. - P. 5439 - 5445. (WoS)

18. Pitukhin E.A., Golubenko V.A. Mathematical modeling labor market processes by the example of unemployment // European researcher. – 2011 – № 5-1 (7) – P. 514-519.

19. Pitukhina M, Sigova S. Foreign labor migration and human capital development in Russia / Siirtolaisuus Migration. - 2012. - № 2. - pp. 3-8.

20. Pitukhina M, Tolstoguzov O, Radikov I. Migrants’ strategies withinthe Arctic Council member-states: bottleneck vacancies analysis (by the example of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway) // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. 539(1),012116(Scopus)

21. Pitukhina M. Graduates employment: acquired competences and demands of employees // Combatting unemployment among youth. – Petrozavodsk, 2017. P.148-154.

22. Pitukhina M., Pitukhin E., Radikov I., Tolstoguzov O., Kulakova L. Foreign Labor Migration Control in Russian Regions using Multicultural Barometer (The Case of the Republic of Karelia, Russia) //TEST Volume 82 Page Number: 1444 - 1454 Publication Issue: January-February 2020 (Scopus)

23. Pitukhina M., Privara A., Privarova M. Environmental aspects of circular migration studies impact on “back-up zones” development in the Russian Arctic macroregion // International Journal of Ecology and Development. - 2017. - Volume 32. – Issue Number 3. – P.45-52 (Scopus).

24. Pitukhina M., Shabayeva S., Privara A. Environmental Aspects of Migration Flows from the CIS into Russia // International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics. – 2017. – Volume: 38. – Issue Number: 3. – Р. 151-159 (Scopus).

25. Pitukhina M., Tolstoguzov O., Ilyin A. Live, work or leave? Arctic youth survey results // Scientific and technical findings of the arctic exploration 2020: present and future"Arctic-2020" (WoS)

26. Pitukhina M.A. Forecast of Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of External Labor Migration in Russia Using Foresight // Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2016, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 698–700 (Scopus, WoS).

27. Pitukhina M.A., Gurtov V.A., Belykh A.D. The review of Chinese artificial intelligence labor market: both in figures and skills // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2024. Т. 17. № 3. С. 580-591.

28. Pitukhina M.A., Sigova S.V Cross-country analysis on neighboring migration policy by the example of Finland and Russia // INTED2015 Proceedings: 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (2-4 March, 2015). - Madrid, Spain, 2015. – P. 8017–8025. (WoS)

29. Pitukhina М., Gurtov V. Indigenous peoples in Russian Arctic labour market // Polar record, Volume 58, e28, 2022. DOI: (Scopus)

30. Pitukhina, M., Tolstoguzov, O., Privara, A., Volokh V. Transarctic cooperation potential evaluation of northern universities: research performance of Arctic universities' education indicators // Proceedings of 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) Местоположение: Valencia, SPAIN публ.: MAR 05-07,2018. pp.: 4103-4113. (WoS)

31. Radikov I., Pitukhina M., Tolstoguzov O., Volokh V. Experience of observation of indigenous minorities and ethnic minorities of Karelia // IOP conf. series: earth and environmental science 302 (2019) 012080 iop, pp.1-8. (WoS)

32. Serova L., Moroz D. Projection system of recruitment needs in Russian regions // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6–8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – P. 4252–4258. (WoS)

33. Serova L.M. Information analytical system of analysis and forecasting the needs in skilled workers for regional economies // European researcher. – 2011 – № 5-1 (7) – C. 641–642.

34. Shabaeva S. Applying best Finnish practices in Russian regions: Occupational Barometer // Baltic Rim Economies. ? 2017. ? №3. ? Р. 40. – Режим доступа:

35. Shabaeva S.V., Stepus I.S. Increasing Russian Arctic Zone Employability // Proceedings of EDULEARN17 Conference 3rd-5th July 2017, Barcelona, Spain. – 2017. – РР. 1638-1645 (WoS).

36. ShabaevaS., Quddusov J. Skills approach implementation: opportunities and limitations in developing countries // Proceedings of ICERI2017 Conference 16th-18th November 2017, Seville, Spain. – 2017. – Р. 7854-7860 (WoS).

37. Sigova S., Gurtov V., Pitukhina M. National qualifications framework development in Russia in light of best foreign practice // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6–8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – P. 0504–0508. (WoS)

38. Sigova S., Gutov V., Pitukhina M. Envisioning perspective skills for curriculum updating // EDULEARN14 Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (7-9 July, 2014). - Barcelona, Spain, 2014. – P. 3403-3408 (WoS)

39. Sigova S., Kekkonen A. Comparative analysis of universities - business interaction models in the Arctic zone and European // EDULEARN16 Proceedings: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (4-6 July, 2016). - Barcelona, Spain, 2016. - P. 6106-6115 (WoS).

40. Sigova S., Parikova N. Migration in Russia: pros and cons // Siirtolaisuus Migration. – 2013. – № 2. – pp. 14–18.

41. Sigova S., Pitukhina M. MDGs revisited: higher education responding to global challenges [Электронный ресурс] // The Association of Commonwealth Universities. - The world beyond 2015: Is higher education ready. - Режим доступа:

42. Sigova S., Pitukhina M. Russian Perspective of the World Development Report: Jobs, Migrants and Human Capital //NORRAG Newsletter No.48 "2012: The Year of Global Reports on TVET, Skills & Jobs – Consensus or Diversity?". – 2013 – pp. 81-83.

43. Tolstoguzov O., Pitukhina M. Religious identity empirical studies in a socio-cultural space of the Republic of Karelia // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. 539(1),012114 (Scopus)

44. Tolstoguzov O., Pitukhina M., Kulakova L. Russian regions’ educational and innovation potential // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Business cooperation as a resource of sustainable economic development and investment attraction”. Series:Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 2019. V.90. pp.89-91. (WoS)

45. Volkov A.D., Roslyakova N.A., Vasilieva A.V., Averyanov A.O., Tishkov S.V., Nalivaychenko E.V. Preferential regime of the Russian arctic: tendencies and first results from realization of the world's largest special economic zone // Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2024. Т. 17. № 1. С. 28.

46. Volkov A.D., Tishkov S.V., Averyanov A.O. Perception of environmental problems by residents of the Krasnoyarsk Krai arctic territories (findings of surveys in Norilsk and Dudinka) // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2024. Т. 17. № 3. С. 491-505.

47. Zyateva О., Pitukhin Е., Peshkova I., Bezborodov M. Analysis of indicators of university’s scientific activity // Proceedings of EDULEARN17 Conference 3rd-5th July 2017, Barcelona, Spain. – 2017. – РР. 4038-4045 (WoS).

48. Симакова А. В., Степусь И. С. Recruitment needs for the Russian Arctic zone development // StudArctic Forum. – 2017. - № 3(7). [Электронный ресурс]. - 2017. - Режим доступа: (РИНЦ).

Articles in the Proceedings of conferences

1. E.A. Pitukhin, V.A. Golubenko The analysis of the officially registered unemployed dynamics in Russia /E.A. Pitukhin, V.A. Golubenko // Труды Третьей международной конференции «Математическое моделирование социальной и экономической динамики» (MMSED-2010). 23-25 июня 2010 г. – М.: ЛЕНАНД, 2010. – 216-218 с.

2. Fert-Malka M., Kekkonen А. Optimizing EU Influence on Arctic Affairs // Arctic Yearbook. ? 2017. [Электронный ресурс]. ? Режим доступа:

3. Gurtov V., Pitukhin E., Serova L., Simakova A. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the forecasting of training needs by subjects of the Russian federation // Proceedings of ICERI2017 Conference 16th-18th November 2017, Seville, Spain. – 2017. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:

4. Gurtov, V.A. Information–analytical system “Demand and supply on the labour market and on the market of educational services in the Russian Federation units” / V. A. Gurtov, E. A. Pitukhin, L. M. Serova// Proceedings of the International Conference “Mathematical Modelling Of Social And Economical Dynamics” (MMSED–2007), Moscow, Russia, 20–22 June 2007. – Moscow, 2007. – P. 55–57.

5. Kekkonen A.L., Sigova S.V. Competency building approach as the basis of lifelong education in the context of an innovation–driven economy/ A.L. Kekkonen, S.V. Sigova // Lifelong Learning: Continious Education for Sustainable Development: proc. of the 10th Anniversary int. coop./ arr. N.A. Lobanov; sci. ed. N.A. Lobanov, V.N. Skvortsov; Pushkin LSU, Res. Inst. Soc.–Econ. and Ped. Probl. of Lifelong Learn.: in 2 pts.: paral. ed. – Vol. 10. – SPb.: Puskin LSU, 2012. – Part 1 – pp. 264–265.

6. Kekkonen A.L., Sigova S.V. Globalization as a challenge for regional human capital development / A.L. Kekkonen, S.V. Sigova // International scientific and practical congress «Economic development of the EU and CIS countries in globalization» (Geneva, Switzerland, July 12-13, 2013). – 2013. – pp. 110-111

7. Pennie I., Ignatovich E., Sigova S., Kekkonen A. Methodological framework development for adaptable career guidance process in VET systems // EDULEARN14 Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (7-9 July, 2014). - Barcelona, Spain, 2014 – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: . Яз . англ.

8. Pitukhin E., Dyatlova A., Tulaeva A., Varfolomeyev A. Information technology employers analysis: the case study of the north-west of Russia // Proceedings of ICERI2017 Conference 16th-18th November 2017, Seville, Spain. – 2017. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:

9. Pitukhin E., Kekkonen A. Transparent information environment: an instrument to increase classical university effectiveness / ICERI2014 Proceedings: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (17-19 November, 2014). – Seville, Spain, 2014. – [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: Яз. Англ.

10. Pitukhin E., Sigova S., Kekkonen A., Pennie I. Game-based learning for soft and hard skills development in LLL implementation // EDULEARN14 Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (7-9 July, 2014). - Barcelona, Spain, 2014. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: . Яз . англ.

11. Pitukhin E., Zyateva O., Peshkova I., Moroz D. Expert-analytical system assessing institutional effectiveness aimed at strategic management upgrade / ICERI2014 Proceedings: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (17-19 November, 2014). – Seville, Spain, 2014. - [Электронный ресурс]. - URL:

12. Pitukhina M., Shabayeva S., Privara A. Cross-country analysis of neighboring migration policy by the example of Finland and Russia // Proceedings of ICEDU-2017 Conference April 20-22, 2017, Malaysia, 2017. – P.17-28.

13. Pitukhina M., Sigova S. Challenges of Foreign Labour Migration in Russia // Abstracts Conference «Migration and Integration in Europe and Russia: New Challenges and Opportunities» (16–18 November 2012, St.Petersburg). 2012. - Pp. 59–62.

14. Pitukhina M., Sigova S. Competence–based approach as a tool for society’s sustainable development and economic growth: European experience fop Russian soil // Abstracts 12TH Annual aleksanteri conference «Competition and good society – the eastern model» (24–26 october 2012, University of Helsinki, Finland). - 2012. - Pp. 48-50.

15. Pitukhina M., Sigova S. Education in a multicultural society: cross-country analysis on neighboring migration policy by the example of Finland and Russia // Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference (2nd-4th March 2015) – Madrid, Spain, 2015. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: Яз. Англ.

16. Pitukhina M.A., Sigova S.V. Migrants’ skills in russia: recent transformations in terms of globalization / M.A. Pitukhina, S.V. Sigova // International scientific and practical congress «Economic development of the EU and CIS countries in globalization» (Geneva, Switzerland, July 12-13, 2013). – 2013. – pp. 203-205

17. Serova L., Moroz D. Projection System Of Recruitment Needs In Russian Regions // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6-8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: Яз . англ.

18. Shabaeva S., Quddusov J. Skills approach implementation: opportunities and limitations in developing countries // Proceedings of ICERI2017 Conference 16th-18th November 2017, Seville, Spain. – 2017. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:

19. Shabaeva S.V., Stepus I.S. Increasing Russian Arctic Zone Employability // Proceedings of EDULEARN17 Conference 3rd-5th July 2017, Barcelona, Spain. – 2017. – [Электронный ресурс]. - 2017. - Режим доступа:

20. Sigova S., Gurtov V., Pitukhina M. Envisioning perspective skills for curriculum updating // EDULEARN14 Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (7-9 July, 2014). - Barcelona, Spain, 2014. - [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: Яз . англ.

21. Simakova A. V. Policy of population informing on perspective territories development of the Republic of Karelia as part of the Russian Arctic zone / A. V. Simakova // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 539 (2020) 012068 : 5th International Conference "Arctic: History and Modernity". (10-14 октября 2020). – 2020. – С. 1–9.

22. Zyateva О., Pitukhin Е., Peshkova I., Bezborodov M. Analysis of indicators of university’s scientific activity // Proceedings of EDULEARN17 Conference 3rd-5th July 2017, Barcelona, Spain. – 2017. – [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:


Articles in scientific journals

1. Averyanov A.O., Stepus I.S., Gurtov V.A. Forecast of staffing needs for the artificial intelligence sector in Russia // Studies on Russian Economic Development. – 2023. – Т. 34. – № 1. – С. 86-95. - DOI: 10.1134/S1075700723020021

2. Nasadkin M., Pitukhin E., Astafyeva M. The agent-based modeling of the enrollment campaign to Russian universities // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6-8 July, 2015). - Barcelona, Spain, 2015. - P. 928-934. (WoS)

3. Pituhina М., Gurtov V. Indigenous peoples in Russian Arctic labour market // Polar record. – 2022. – Volume 58. – Рр. 1-21. – DOI:

4. Pitukhin E. A., Semenov A. A. Forecasting Student Admissions, Graduations, and Numbers in Institutions of Vocational Education // Studies on Russian Economic Development. – 2012. - Vol. 23. - No. 2. - P. 162–171.

5. Pitukhin E., Zyateva O., Peshkova I. Research On University Key Performance Indicators: Comparative Analysis // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6-8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – P. 4010-4020. (WoS)

6. Serova L.M., Stepus I.S. Forecasting of needs in personnel with higher vocational education in priority modernization and technological development or Russian economy // European researcher – 2011 – № 5-1 (7) – C. 527–532.

7. Sigova S., Gurtov V., Kekkonen A. University-business interaction models: the experience of developed and developing countries // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6–8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – P. 0594–0596. (WoS)

8. Simakova А.V., Stepus’ I.S. Educational migration of school leavers from Karelia: Arctic specifics // Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast. – 2023. – № 16(3). – рр. 247–264. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2023.3.87.13

Articles in the Proceedings of conferences

1. Nasadkin M., Pitukhin E., Astafyeva M. The Agent-Based Modeling Of The Enrollment Campaign To Russian Universities // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6-8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: Яз . англ.

2. Pitukhin E., Serova L., Kekkonen A., Shabaeva S., Gurtov V. The estimation of vocational education system potential for outrun development of far east as a priority territory of Russia // EDULEARN18 Proceedings: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (2-4 July, 2018). – Barcelona, Spain, 2018. – P. 10060-10068 (WoS).

3. Pitukhin E., Zyateva O., Peshkova I. Research On University Key Performance Indicators: Comparative Analysis // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6-8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: Яз . англ.

4. Pitukhin E.A., Sigova S.V., Parikova N.V. Modeling the employment system of professional education graduates / E.A. Pitukhin, S.V. Sigova, N.V. Parikova // Труды Третьей международной конференции «Математическое моделирование социальной и экономической динамики» (MMSED-2010). 23-25 июня 2010 г. – М.: ЛЕНАНД, 2010. – 216-218 с.

5. Sigova S., Gurtov V., Kekkonen A. University-Business Interaction Models: The Experience Of Developed And Developing Countries // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6-8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: . Яз . англ.

6. Sigova S., Gurtov V., Pitukhina M. National Qualifications Framework Development In Russia In Light Of Best Foreign Practice // EDULEARN15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (6-8 July, 2015). – Barcelona, Spain, 2015. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: . Яз . англ.

7. Tolstoguzov O., Pitukhina M., Radikov I., Privara A. Empirical research on knowledge reproduction and qualified personnel: geoeconomic aspect // EDULEARN18 Proceedings: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (2-4 July, 2018). – Barcelona, Spain, 2018. – P. 2270-2279 10068 (WoS).


Articles in scientific journals

1. Sigova S. V., Gurtov V. A. Predicting the Budgetary Funding Need of Education in the Three–Year Budget for 2008–2010 // Studies on Russian Economic Development – 2008. – № 6 – p. 592–603.